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Let's Kickstart Your Health!

Join Waitlist for Next Reset

This three-week program is designed to help you create healthy habits and reset your energy using whole foods, mindset, and habit change. You will learn how to reset your baseline for healthy living and tune into your body’s unique needs to create a blueprint for your healthy future.

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Let's Kickstart Your Health!

Join Waitlist for Next Reset

This three-week program is designed to help you create healthy habits and reset your energy using whole foods, mindset, and habit change. You will learn how to reset your baseline for healthy living and tune into your body’s unique needs to create a blueprint for your healthy future.

Is it Time for a Reset?

Do you have trouble sleeping?

Do you have low energy or feel lethargic during the day?

Do you have difficulty focusing or experience a foggy brain?

Do you need caffeine to get through the afternoon?

Do you feel addicted to foods that you know aren’t good for you, and yet you can’t stop?

Do you have cravings for sugar or starchy foods?

Do you get bloated after eating?

Do you have extra pounds that you cannot seem to shed?

Do you want to start living a healthy lifestyle without dieting but not sure where to begin?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you would greatly benefit from this program!

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Week 1

This week is about setting your intentions and goals and creating a unique wellness plan. You will start to wean off unhealthy ingredients and ease into a healthier lifestyle by introducing daily habits, lessons, activities, and check-ins.

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Week 2

You will continue to follow the simple wellness plan we created together in week 1. You will also continue to incorporate healthy habits, body practices, and movement into your lifestyle.

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Week 3

While continuing to follow the wellness plan created in week 1, you learn how to re-introduce ingredients back in to your diet one by one so that you can identify food sensitivities and intolerances. We will also create a maintenance plan for you to follow long-term that best serves your unique body.

Benefits of the Energy Reset

Sleep better

Boost your energy

Decrease cravings for unhealthy foods

Improve your digestion

Feel lighter and cleaner

Shed excess weight

Discover food sensitivities

Create healthy habits that enliven you

A Little About Me

My name is Renay and I am a Functional Nutrition Counselor, Vitality Coach, Registered Hypnotherapist, and founder of Nourish to Live Rx. I work with men and women over 40 who struggle with sleep and experience low energy. I provide one-on-one and group coaching, challenges, and wellness workshops using clean eating, self-care, and mindset principles. I help develop healthy habits to gain energy, sleep better, and transition to a healthier lifestyle. I have helped clients change their relationship with food, experience lasting results, and feel amazing!

I am passionate about food and fitness, and when I am not tinkering around with new recipes and photographing food for my blog, you can find me enjoying the outdoors through hiking, biking, and skiing.

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When you sign up, you will receive:

Access to a private Facebook community with additional support to help you through the reset

Three Live group Q&A sessions through Zoom and Facebook Live

Access to Renay in-between sessions via text or email for questions and accountability

A copy of the Reset Guide that will help you prepare and support you through the reset

A recipe book and links to many whole-food recipes

Access to additional online materials and tools to ensure your success during the program

One laser-coaching session with Renay to create a maintenance plan to help you easily maintainyour healthy lifestyle

FREE access to future 21-day reset programs

You Have Questions. I Have Answers

Do I have to drink weird elixirs or juices and take a lot of supplements?

Not at all! Well, ok. There is one drink I recommend and it's called the Flax cocktail but you can easily make it at home and it's optional!

I don't use Facebook. Can I still participate?

Absolutely! I will discuss all content posted on Facebook during the next live Q&A session. I will record all live Q&A sessions will and send out a replay link via email. You may also reach out to me via email if you have any questions or need help.

How do I access the Live Q&A Sessions?

I will hold Live Q&A sessions through Zoom and Facebook Live. You will receive a link with all the details before each session.

Will I lose weight?

Many people do lose weight during the reset due to the nature of the program. We focus on eating whole foods and eliminating foods that cause inflammation and bloating.

Does the program involve fasting?

Not really. I do encourage participants to stop eating by 7:00 PM and refrain from eating until breakfast the next day.

What if I still have questions?

You can schedule a virtual chat with me to discuss any questions you might have about the course. Click the button below to schedule a virtual chat.



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